Birds, Ghosts, and Ancestors: Ecological Ontologies in Indigenous and Han Communities in Taiwan

演講名稱:Birds, Ghosts, and Ancestors: Ecological Ontologies in Indigenous and Han Communities in Taiwan(本場次為英文演講)
The ontological turn in anthropology highlights the question of what exists in the world. One fruitful way of exploring this diversity the formula of French anthropologist Philippe Descola, who proposes that humans relate to other living beings through four distinct ontologies. This study, based on a phenomenological method of walking, taking photos, and simply being with humans as they navigate their worlds, contrasts natural ontologies among two groups of Han Taiwanese in Dingsoa, Chiko, and among the Truku in Skadang (Hualien). How do different peoples relate to birds, ghosts, and ancestors? What does field research reveal about ontogenesis – the ways in which people create ontologies? What does this mean for the study of human cultural diversity?
時間:2023/12/19 10:00~12:00
講者:Dr. Scott Simon (史國良)
Professor, School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies, University of Ottawa.
Visiting scholar, IOE, Academia Sinica.